Is your Company Flushing Money Down the Drain

White Spot Group is a facility management company servicing many large organisations Australia-wide.  White Spot Group has assisted several of its clients by recommending they switch to using Enviroplus Bioactive® Toilet Tissue. The innovative new technology in Bioactive® Toilet Tissue product contains naturally occurring, eco-friendly, non-pathogenic microorganisms.  On contact with water, Enviroplus Bioactive® Toilet Tissue produces enzymes that biodegrade encrustations and organic substances which cause blockages in pipes and the sewerage system.  This results in fewer plumbing problems & reduced water usage, particularly for larger commercial buildings, hotels, restaurants apartment blocks and schools.

Enviroplus Bioactive® Toilet Tissue is completely safe for personal use and for the environment.  The BATP® technology removes the build up from pipes, helping to cut down on maintenance costs and removing the need for excessive flushing to help to minimise water usage.  It also works to minimise unpleasant odours. 

After switching to using Enviroplus Bioactive® Toilet Tissue, some clients have seen results in as little as four weeks, in terms of fewer plumbing and maintenance issues, and a cleaner more hygienic odour-free environment for staff, customers and visitors.

At White Spot Group we work with our clients to identify innovative sustainable ways to improve efficiency, minimise disruptions to your workflow and pass on cost savings for you and the environment.  Contact us now for a free on-site consultation and quote.


A win/win eco-cleaning solution that reduces costs and helps save our water ways.

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