End of Build Cleaning | After Builders Cleaning | Construction Cleaning Service

White Spot Group professional end of build cleaning crews are licensed and have the right equipment to do the extensive cleaning required at the end of the construction process. Our staff are experienced in working to tight deadlines to make sure the site is spotlessly clean on time and ready for hand-over.

  • Experienced professional cleaners
  • End of build cleaning for site hand-over
  • Commercial & Residential site cleaning

We provide free consultation and quotation. You can also reach us directly at 1300 797 632.

    After Builders Cleaning

    Let us take care of your cleaning, so you can take care of your business.
    construction cleaning

    End of Build Cleaning

    The cleaning required at the end of a major construction is vastly different from general cleaning. With specialised training and equipment our staff deliver the diligence and attention to detail required to provide that final finish that is essential to present the building in its finished form. With the help of specialist equipment including motorised sweepers and scrubbers and scissor lifts our construction site cleaning teams work efficiently and effectively. We ensure all areas are spotlessly clean and remove builders dust, debris, and dirt from floors, walls, ceiling, stair wells, fixtures, and all those hard to reach places to ensure the site is spotless and ready for hand-over.

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    We work around the clock

    We understand construction timelines can be very tight. We have cleaning crews available to work around the clock to get the final clean done to meet your hand-over deadlines. At White Spot Group we are willing to go the extra mile to assist our clients. Customer satisfaction is our number one priority, and we make it our mission to help you have a smooth transition from completion to hand-over, ready for the next contractor to start their work.

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    commercial cleaning
    Construction Cleaning web page 3 - WSG

    Site Office and Site Cleaning

    Our services also include regular site office and construction site cleaning throughout the construction process. We clean office areas, kitchens, and amenities. Regular cleaning services ensure your site meets health and safety guidelines and regulations to provide a clean workplace to maintain productivity and motivation. Services can be provided daily, weekly, or monthly to meet the demands of each site.

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    Site cleaning services

    We also provide site cleaning services to perform necessary clean-ups required throughout the build, such as:

    Removal of cement, plaster, grout, and paint splatter from surfaces
    Industrial Vacuuming of dust and dirt
    Removal of debris, rubbish, and rubble
    High-pressure cleaning
    Hard Floor Scrubbing and Polishing
    Window and glass cleaning – internal and external
    Dust and polish all surfaces including chrome, tiling, and natural stone

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    high pressure cleaning
    end of build cleaning

    Renovations and Re-fits

    After renovations and re-fits dust settles over every surface. Clean-ups and removal of building dust requires a meticulous attention to detail to ensure premise are left spotlessly clean and ready for reoccupation. Our cleaning crews are experienced and have the right products and equipment to do the final clean up effectively and efficiently. Our staff are experienced in residential work, strata, and commercial cleaning projects – no job is too big or too small.

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    Best choice for end of build and construction site cleaning.

    Quality Assurance

    • White Spot Group is internationally accredited in Quality (ISO 9001:2015), Safety (ISO 45001:2018), and Environmental (ISO 14001:2015) management.
    • Quality management systems are embedded in our processes and procedures to deliver high-quality service and guarantee 100% customer satisfaction.
    • We pride ourselves on meeting strict deadlines and exceeding customer expectations.


    • Our Safety (ISO 45001:2018) management systems for hazard identification risk assessment, and compliance with relevant statutory and regulatory obligations, meet industry best safety standards.
    • We provide cleaning staff with white card certification and on-site training.
    • We conduct regular WHS audits and reviews and consult with staff for continuous improvement in Work Health and Safety targets & performance.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What types of construction cleaning services are available?

    • Our construction site cleaning crews have extensive experience in cleaning a range of sites including shopping centres, retail outlets, hotels and restaurants, office buildings, aged care facilities, unit complexes and all types of major commercial projects.
    • We also provide regular cleaning services to site offices and amenities, as well as periodic cleaning throughout the construction process.
    • Services include end of build cleaning for residential new builds and renovations.
    • For a completely clean site we also clean building surrounds, external areas, driveways, and carparks.

    How much is end of building and construction site cleaning costed?

    • We provide estimates based on the size of the site, and the type of cleaning work required. Our professional sales team will conduct an obligation free site visit and estimate to understand your specific needs.
    • Our teams are experienced and have the right products and equipment to work quickly and efficiently. Our pricing is competitive, affordable and offers great value for money.
    • Regular construction site cleaning agreements are tailored to each site’s unique needs and to suit your budget.

    What do I need to look for when choosing a construction cleaning company?

    • White Spot Group has earned International certification for Quality (ISO 9001:2015), Safety (ISO 45001:2018), and Environmental (ISO 14001:2015) management which ensures high quality customer service, performance delivery, workplace safety, and environmentally sound work practices.
    • Our staff are fully trained and experienced in the specialised techniques required for end of build and construction site cleaning. We have the right equipment to get the job done and we work with our clients to help them meet their deadlines to ensure a smooth hand-over.
    • Call now on 1300797632.

    Professional End of Build Cleaning

    We offer a high standard of quality cleaning and maintenance services ensuring value for money and superior results.

    Contact us

    Request a free quote.

    At White Spot Group we pride ourselves on delivering high quality service and exceeding customer expectations. Our expert end of build Cleaning team managers are ready to discuss your needs and provide an obligation free consultation and quote. Call us now on 1300 797 632

    Why choose us?

    • 1
      Customer focused

      Customer service is our number 1 priority. We believe communication and being responsive to client’s needs builds strong lasting partnerships and superior outcomes.

    • 2
      Quality matters

      Our quality assurance systems monitor and track performance for effective improvement over time. These systems are embedded within our daily tasks and evaluation processes.

    • 3

      Accountability and responsibility flow from the top down. We invest in our employees through proper training and expect the best contribution and highest ethical behaviour.

    For a free site visit and quotation,
    just give us a call.

    1300 797 632

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    Australia wide service

    Let's get in touch

    We provide free consultation and quotation. You can also reach us directly at 1300 797 632.